Playing with words

Moving house!

Well, I’ve moved to Sweden and I’ve taken the blog with me! Which is to say that this blog has migrated over to my main wordpress account so that I’ll be more likely to update it. Come visit at the new address!!

Welcome to the gaffe-off!

If you get the reference, 5 bonus points for you!

Decided to start a section on gaffes, because there are so many of them that hit the headlines in this little country. What’s that? Women are baby-making machines? Can only trust folks with black hair? If you don’t what I’m referring to, lucky you for not keeping up with all the ridiculous news of the past several years.





Retrieved March 12 from Mainichi Newspaper.

川崎 【かわさき】 Kawasaki (city)
医師 【いし】 doctor; physician
講演会 【こうえんかい】 lecture
どんどん rapidly, steadily
吸う 【すう】 to smoke, to inhale
早く 【はやく】 quickly, early
死ぬ 【しぬ】 to die
市立 【しりつ】 municipal
井田 【いた】 Ita (name)
病院 【びょういん】 hospital
中原区 【なかはらく】 Nakahara ward
関田恒二郎【かんだつねじろう】 Tsunejirou Kanda (name)
院長 【いんちょう】 director (of hospital or other institute)
男性 【だんせい】male
富山市 【とやまし】 Toyama (city)
開く 【ひらく】 to open
質疑応答 【しつぎおうとう】 question and answer session
禁煙 【きんえん】 non-smoking, abstaining from smoking
進む 【すすむ】 to advance, to go ahead, to make progress
医療費 【いりょうひ】 medical expenses, doctor’s bill
かさむ to pile up; to increase
明らか 【あきらか】 obvious, evident, clear
方がいい 【ほうがいい】 (after past tense verb) had better, ought to
発言 【はつげん】 utterance, speech, proposal
分かる 【わかる】 to be understood
推進 【すいしん】 implementation, promotion
団体 【だんたい】 organization, association
命 【いのち】 life
健康を守る 【けんこうをまもる】 to protect the health of
思える 【おもえる】 to seem, to appear likely
暴論 【ぼうろん】 irrational (line of) argument
抗議 【こうぎ】 protest, objection
取材 【しゅざい】 collecting data, interview
対する 【たいする】 in response to, in regards to
真意 【しんい】 real intention, true meaning
伝わる 【つたわる】 to be transmitted, to communicate
誤解を生む 【ごかいをうむ】 to generate or give rise to misunderstandings
釈明して 【しゃくめいして】 explanation, vindication
によると according to
富山県 【とやまけん】 Toyama prefecture
医師会 【いしかい】 medical association
主催で 【しゅさいで】under the sponsorship of
参加 【さんか】 participation
関係者 【かんけいしゃ】 authorized people, person(s) concerned
約 【やく】 approximately
医療 【いりょう】 medical care, medical treatment
介護 【かいご】 nursing
テーマ topic (German: thema)
講演 【こうえん】 lecture, speech
神奈川県 【かながわけん】 Kanagawa prefecture
制定 【せいてい】 enactment, establishment
目指す 【めざす】 to aim at
公共的施設 【こうきょうてきしせつ】 public facility
受動喫煙 【じゅどうきつえん】 passive smoking (i.e. second-hand smoking)
防止 【ぼうし】 prevention
条例 【じょうれい】 regulations, ordinance
について concerning, about
問う 【とう】 to ask, to question, to inquire
回答【かいとう】 reply, answer
際に 【さいに】 in case of; at the time of
私 【わたし】 I, me
たばこ tobacco (Portugese: tabaco), cigarettes
喫煙 【きつえん】 smoking
自己責任 【じこせきにん】self-responsibility
言う 【いう】 (v5u) (1) to say; (2) to call (i.e. to give a name); (P); EP
つもり intent, plan
誤解 【ごかい】 misunderstanding
説明 【せつめい】 explanation
さらに furthermore
受ける 【うける】 to receive
対応 【たいおう】 coping with, dealing with, support
力を入れる 【ちからをいれる】 to put effort into
べき must, should
思い 【おもい】 thought, sentiment
話す 【はなす】 to speak

Kawasaki Doctor: At lecutre “Keep on smoking and die early”
A male doctor (55) at the Kawasaki Municipal Ita Hospital (Nakahara Ward, Tsunejirou Kanda Director) made the remark at a Q&Q session for a lecture held on the 7th in Toyama city, “It’s obvious that medical expenses will pile up with progress of anti-smoking compaigns. It’s better to just have people keep on smoking and die early.” Groups for the promotion of anti-smoking have cried out that this was an unreasonable remark to make, unimaginable as that of a doctor who protects the health and lives of people. In response to questioning the doctor has explained that he was unable to express what he really meant and it has given rise to a misunderstanding.

According to the hospital and others, there were 30 participants at the lecture which was sponsored by the Toyama prefecture’s medical association. The doctor gave a lecture on the topic of medical and nursing care. During the Q&A he was asked about the ordinance to prevent second-hand smoke in public institutions that is hoped to be enacted in Kanagawa prefecture and he made his remark in response.

The doctor has explained “because I also smoke, I meant to say that smoking is a matter of personal responsibility but I was misunderstood.” He continued on to say what he’d thought to say was that rather than non-smoking campaigns, more efforts should be put into supporting people who cannot receive medical and nursing care.

Not sure how this happened, but…

Oh dear, just when I think I’m free, not one but two new projects come in. At least I’ll be sure of an income this month, even if there’s no free time to enjoy it!



Retrieved March 10 from Sankei Newspaper.

伊豆 【いず】 Izu
大島 【おおしま】 Ooshima
沖で 【おきで】 (adv) offshore; a little way out to sea; WI2
貨物船 【かもつせん】 (n) freighter; ED
同士 【どうし】 (n,n-suf) fellow; mutual; companion; comrade; bonding; (P); EP
衝突 【しょうとつ】 (n,vs) collision; conflict; (P); EP
隻 【せき】 (ctr) counter for ships; ED
沈没 【ちんぼつ】 (n,vs) sinking; foundering; (P); EP
第3 【だいさん】 the third (something); SP
管区海上保安本部 【かんくかいじょうほあんほんぶ】 Regional Coast Guard Headquarters
によると according to
午前 【ごぜん】 morning, a.m.
東京 【とうきょう】 Tokyo
うち among, within
韓国 【かんこくせき】 (South) Korean nationality
連絡がとれる 【れんらくがとれる】 to be able to make contact, to get in touch
乗り組む 【のりくむ】 to get on aboard
同 【どう】 the same
本部 【ほんぶ】 headquarters
可能性 【かのうせい】 possibility, likelihood
捜索 【そうさく】 search (esp. for someone or something missing)
管 【かん; くだ】 (n,n-suf) pipe; tube; SP
オーキッド (n) Orchid
ピア peer; ED
号 【ごう】 suffix for ship names
パナマ Panama
船籍 【せんせき】ship’s country of registration
シグナス・エース Cygnus Ace
けが人 【けがにん】 injured person
有無 【うむ】 existence, presence
不明 【ふめい】 unknown, uncertain
巡視船 【じゅんしせん】 patrol boat
航空機 【こうくうき】 airplane, aircraft
現場に向かう 【げんばにむかう】 to head for the scene

Collision between two freighter offshore of Izu Oshima, one ship suspected sunk

    According to the Third Branch of the Regional Coast Guard Headquarters two freighters collided in the sea off of Tokyo’s Izu Oshima island at around 2:15 a.m. on the morning of the 10th and off the ships they have been unable to reach one Korean-registered vessel. There were 16 people aboard and the aforementioned headquarters are searching for them, considering the possibility that the ship sunk.
    According the Third Branch, the ships that collided were the Korean freighter Orchid Pia and the Cygnus Ace, a freighter registered to Panama. It is said that the Orchid had on board 7 Korean and 9 Indonesian sailors. Contact was made with the Cygnus but is unclear whether there were any injuries.
    Considering the possibility that the Orchard sank, the Third Branch has sent patrol boats and aircrafts to the scene.

A second serving of chanko…

直訳 (literal translation)
Asashoryu aiming for a return of “I love ya, Osaka!”

He can’t keep quiet. Yokozuna Asashoryu (28, Takasago stable) resumed training on the 3rd for the spring tournament (opening on the 15th at the Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium’s hall). He remembers delighting the audience last year at the same tournament by screaming out, “I love ya, Osaka!”and he has said he is aiming for a reappearance. Including him striking a pose and flashing the victory “V” sign upon his revival at the New Year’s tournament, there is much criticism about his over-exuberant attitude, but Asashoryu, unlearning, takes his own stance, in his own fashion.
Asashoryu says that he likes the upbeat attitude in Osaka. He added that everyone is really happy for the March tournament that only comes once a year.
He says with a grin that he’d like to add one more reason why he likes Osaka. “Because I have those final parting words, too.”
This comes from a victory interview carried out ringside. It goes on at every tournament, but when Asashoryu got the better of Hakuhou in their aiboshi (tied tournament score) match, he yelled out in Osaka dialect. “I love ya, Osaka! I really love ya! Thanks for everything!”
But this merry act had not a few critics. Former Yokozuna Taihou, Mr Kouki Naya, says that there should be a weight to the words of a Yokozuna. Although there was once a foreign airline that pleased fans by using all of their local dialects at an award ceremony, he points out, a Yokozuna’s position is different. Ms Makiko Uchidate of the Yokozuna Deliberation Committee also has gone on to say that they wish he would take a more Yokozuna-like attitude.
One of the fundamental principles of sumo is “To not be overly pleased by victory, nor corroded by defeat.” The problem of the pose and the “V” sign upon his return at the New Year’s tournament also remains in the background. At that time, Asashoryu said that he had been too pleased and that he had reflected upon his actions, but on this day he declared that his final words in the Osaka dialect were uplifting. It seems that the Yokozuna who thinks of the traditional Japanese culture and almost godly techniques that make up sumo as a sport has no intention of changing his personal style of showing his emotions baldly.
Asashoryu, who says about his revival “V” sign that he had not only built up emotions but a surplus, exhibits his own style at practices as well. At the practice ring, he has imposed an exceptional regulation forcing just one reporter and cameraman to individually act as representatives for pooled coverage, but Asashoryu declared even to that cameraman, “Get out.” But just when you think he’s angry, he smiles his way through the interview. We won’t be able to tear our eyes away from Asashoryu’s drama in Osaka until the final day.

意訳 (slightly more liberal translation)
Asashoryu to reprise “I love ya, Osaka!”

He just can’t seem to keep quiet. Yokozuna Asashoryu (28, Takasago stable) resumed training on the 3rd for the upcoming spring tournament that will open at the Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium’s hall on the 15th. He still remembers delighting fans last year at the same tournament by screaming out, “I love ya, Osaka!”and he has said he is aiming to reprise that cry. There has been criticism about his over-exuberant attitude, including him striking a pose and flashing victorious “V” signs when he returned to the sumo world at the New Year’s tournament, but Asashoryu isn’t taking any heed of it and he continues to follow the beat of his own drum.
Asashoryu says that he likes the lively attitude of Osakans. He added that everyone there seemed really excited for the March tournament that only comes to their city once a year. He says with a grin that he’d like to add one more reason why he likes Osaka: because he gets to say those special parting words, as well.
These came from a victory interview carried out ringside. The match had been the final between Asashoryu and Hakuhou, who were tied for the tournament as they so often are, but when Asashoryu got the better of Hakuhou this time he yelled out in Osaka dialect, “I love ya, Osaka! I really love ya! Thanks for everything!”
But this merry act has met with not a little criticism. Former Yokozuna Taihou, Mr Kouki Naya, says that there should be a certain weight to the words of a Yokozuna. Although some foreign companies have pleased audiences by using their local dialects, he points out, a Yokozuna’s position is different. Ms Makiko Uchidate of the Yokozuna Deliberation Committee has also gone on to say that they wish he would take a more Yokozuna-like attitude.
One of the fundamental principles of sumo is “to not be overly pleased by victory, nor corroded by defeat.” The problem of the pose and the “V” signs upon his return at the New Year’s tournament also still lurks in the background. At that time, Asashoryu said that he had been too excited and that he had reflected upon his actions, but now he declares that his final words in the Osaka dialect were uplifting. It seems that the Yokozuna who thinks of the traditional Japanese culture and practice of sumo as a sport has no intention of changing his own personal preference for wearing his heart on his sleeve.
Asashoryu, who says about his “V” signs that he had not only built up emotions but a surplus of them, exhibits his own style at practices as well. At the practice ring, he has imposed an unusual regulation forcing just one reporter and cameraman to individually act as representatives for pooled coverage and even with that small number Asashoryu declares to the single cameraman, “Get out.” But just when you think he’s angry, he smiles and the interview begins. We won’t be able to tear our eyes away from the next act in Asashoryu’s unfolding drama in Osaka until the final moments of the tournament.

Mmm, I could do with some chanko nabe…

Ah, I survived. Barely. Now that I’m free from jobs for a couple of days, I’m thinking I should build up a stock of extra posts so that I don’t have another dead period like that. For now, here’s a sizable article about a rather sizable man. I’ll post translations tomorrow, as I skive off from essay writing.


おとなしくなんかしていられない。横綱朝青龍(28=高砂)が3日、春場所(15日初日、大阪府立体育会館)に向けてのけいこを再開。昨年同場所の優勝 直後に「ワシは大阪好きやで!」と叫び観客を喜ばせたことを思い出し、その再現を目指すと語った。初場所復活V後のガッツポーズも含め、喜びすぎる態度に は批判も多いが、懲りずに朝青龍流を貫く構えだ。
朝青龍 大阪はノリのいいのが好きですよ。1年1回の3月場所をみんな喜んでくれるしね。
だが、このはしゃぎぶりには、批判も少なくなかった。元横綱大鵬の納谷幸喜氏は「横綱の言葉には重みがあるべき。かつて表彰式で外国航空会社の人が、各 地方場所の方言でファンを喜ばせたが、横綱は彼とは立場が違う」と指摘。横綱審議委員会の内館牧子氏も「横綱らしい態度を取ってほしい」と続いた。
相撲の基本理念は「勝って喜び過ぎず、負けて腐らず」。初場所復活V直後のガッツポーズが問題になったのも、それが背景にある。その際は朝青龍も「喜び すぎた。反省している」と言ったが、この日は「(大阪弁でのあいさつが)励みになっているから」と明言した。神事で日本固有の文化でもある相撲をスポーツ ライクに考える横綱は、感情を表に出す自己流を変えるつもりはないようだ。
復活Vで「気持ちに貯金と余裕ができた」という朝青龍は、けいこでも「らしさ」を発揮した。けいこ場には記者、カメラ1人ずつの代表取材とする異例の規 制が敷かれたが、そのカメラマンにさえ朝青龍は「出ろよ」と言い放った。怒ったと思えば、笑顔で会見。朝青龍劇場IN大阪は、千秋楽まで目が離せない。

Accessed April 4 from Nikkei Sports.

朝青龍 【あさしょうりゅう】Asashoryu (name of a Mongolian sumo wrestler)
大阪 【おおさか】 Osaka
好き 【すき】like, love, -lover
再現 【さいげん】reappearance, return, revival
目指す 【めざす】to aim for, to have an eye on
おとなしい quiet, obedient, meek
なんか things like…, something like…
いられない not able to be
横綱 【よこづな】yokozuna (a sumo grand champion, the highest rank attainable)
高砂 【たかさご】 Takasago (name of a sumo stable)
春場所 【はるばしょ】 a spring sumo tournament held in Osaka
初日 【しょにち】first day, opening day
大阪府立体育会館【おおさかふりつたいいくかいかん】 Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium meeting hall
向ける 【むける】 to turn towards, to face
けいこ practice, training
再開 【さいかい】 reopening, resumption, restarting
昨年 【さくねん】last year
同 【どう】 the same, ibid
場所 【ばしょ】 place, location
優勝 【ゆうしょう】 overall victory, championship
直後に 【ちょくご】immediately after, in the aftermath of, moments after
叫び 【さけび】 shout, scream
観客 【かんきゃく】audience
喜ぶ 【よろこぶ】 to be delighted, to be pleased (causative)
思い出 【おもいで】memories, reminiscence
語る 【かたる】to talk, to tell
初場所 【はつばしょ】New Year’s sumo tournament held in Tokyo
復活 【ふっかつ】revival, come-back, resurrection
ガッツポーズ triumphant pose assumed by an athlete—like a victory dance, without the dance
含 む 【ふくむ】to contain, to comprise of, to bear in mind
態度 【たいど】attitude, manner, behavior
批判 【ひはん】criticism, judgment
多い 【おおい】 many, numerous
懲りる 【こりる】to learn by experience
流 【りゅう】in the style of, in the manner of
貫く 【つらぬく】to go through
構え 【かまえ】 posture (e.g. in martial arts), style, stance
力士会 【りきしかい】 the association of salaried sumo wrestlers
ハワイ Hawaii
帰る 【かえる】to return; to come home
日焼け【ひやけ】 suntan
顔 【かお】 face
緩む 【ゆるむ】 to become loose, to slacken
ノリのいい upbeat, going along with the rhythm, go along with a joke
みんなall, everyone
~くれるto give, to let one have, to do for someone
ひと言 【ひとこと】 a single word, just one thing
理由を付け加える 【りゆうをつけくわえる】 to add a reason
ニヤリと笑う 【ニヤリとわらう】 to grin, to smirk
最後 【さいご】 final, last, in parting
土俵 【どひょう】 arena, esp. in sumo
下 【した】under; below; beneath
インタビュー interview
毎 【まい】every, each
行う 【おこなう】to perform, to carry out; (P); EP
白鵬 【はくほう】 Hakuhou
相星 【あいぼし】 sumo wrestlers with the same win-loss record at the end of tournament
決戦 【けっせん】decisive battle, deciding match, play-off,
制す 【せいす】to control, to get the better of
大阪弁 【おおさかべん】 Osaka dialect
叫ぶ 【さけぶ】 to shout; to cry
私 【わし】I, me (used by elderly or in some dialects)
ホンマ really (the Osaka equivalent of 本当【ほんとう】)
まいど lit. every time – it is used in expressions of thanks by shopkeepers and the like to say “Thank you for your continued patronage.” In Standard Japanese it is まいどありがとうございます, or even the slang まいどあり
おおきに thank you (in Kansai dialects)
燥ぐ 【はしゃぐ】to make merry, to be in high spirits
~ぶり an act of, pretending to be, playing at
少ない 【すくない】 (adj-i) few; a little; scarce; insufficient; seldom; (P); EP
元 【もと】 former
大鵬 【たいほう】 Taihou (name)
納谷幸喜 【なやこうき】 Naya Kouki (name)
氏 【し】Mr
言葉 【ことば】 words, expression
重みがある 【おもみがある】 carry a lot of weight
べき should, must
かつてonce, before, formerly
表彰式 【ひょうしょうしき】 commendation or awards ceremony
外国航空会社【がいこくこうくうかいしゃ】 foreign air company
各【かく】each, every
地方 【ちほう】 area, region, countryside
方言 【ほうげん】 dialect
ファン fan
立場が違う 【たちばがちがう】to be in a different position from
指摘 【してき】 point out, identification
横綱審議委員会 【よこづなしんぎいいんかい】 Yokozuna Deliberation Committee (body that recommends promotion of sumo wrestlers to grand champions)
内館牧子 【うちだてまきこ】 Uchidate Makiko (name)
らしい appears like
態度を取る 【たいどをとる】 to take an attitude
~ほしい after a verb in the –te form, to want someone else to do something
続く 【つづく】to continue, to go on
相撲 【すもう】 sumo wrestling
基本理念 【きほんりねん】basic principle; fundamental principle
勝つ 【かつ】 to win; to gain victory
過ぎる 【すぎる】to be excessive, to be too …
負ける 【まける】to lose; to be defeated
腐る 【くさる】to rot, to go bad, to corrode
問題になる 【もんだいになる】become a subject of discussion, become an issue
背景にある 【はいけいにある】 to exist in the background
際 【さい】on the occasion of
反省して 【はんせいして】 reflection, introspection
励み 【はげみ】encouraging, heartening, uplifting,
明言 【めいげん】declaration; statement
神事 【かみわざ】art, technique or skill worthy of the gods (esp. sports)
日本固有の【にっぽんこゆう】traditional Japanese~
文化 【ぶんか】culture, civilization
でも also, as well
スポーツライク sports-like
表に出す 【ひょうにだす】to put something right out on the surface
自己流 【じこりゅう】one’s own style
つもり intention
ようだseeming to be, appearing to be
気持ち 【きもち】feeling
貯金 【ちょきん】savings
余裕 【よゆう】surplus, margin
発揮 【はっき】exhibition, demonstration, display
記者 【きしゃ】reporter
カメラ (n) camera
ずつ at a time, individually
代表取材 【だいひょうしゅざい】 pool (pooled) coverage
異例 【いれい】singular, exceptional, unprecedented
規制 【きせい】control, regulation, restriction
敷く 【しく】 to spread out; to take a position; to impose
カメラマン cameraman
さえ even
言い放つ 【いいはなつ】 to declare
怒る 【おこる】to get angry, to tell someone off, to scold
笑顔 【えがお】smiling face, smile
会見 【かいけん】interview
劇場 【げきじょう】theatre, playhouse
千秋楽 【せんしゅうらく】final day of a sumo tournament
目が離せない 【めがはなせない】 keep a watchful eye on

Oh, Japan. You are so twee sometimes.

Deadline’s continue to kick my ass. I don’t even remember yesterday. And today I kept thinking it was Thursday. Anyway, this project should be over by the weekend. Here’s a laughable story–if only because it’s so entirely un-newsworthy in any other country. What? A sixteen year old boy with pot? And he say’s he’s smoked it? For shame!

And why should they?

And why should they?



乾燥大麻 【かんそうたいま】 (dried) marijuana
隠し持つ 【かくしもつ】 to carry in hiding
として as, for
大阪府 【おおさかふ】 Osaka (metropolitan area)
岸和田市 【きしわだし】 Kishiwada City
~内 【ない】 inside, within
住む 【すむ】 to live, to reside
公立高校 【こうりつこうこう】 public high school
1年 【一年】 first year
男子生徒 【だんしせいと】 schoolboy
京都府警 【きょうとふけい】 Kyoto Prefectural Police
大麻取締法 【たいまとりしまりほう】 Cannabis Control Law
違反 【いはん】 violation (of law), infringement
所持 【しょじ】 possession, owning
容疑で 【ようぎで】 on charges that, on suspicion of
現行犯逮捕 【げんこうはんたいほ】 immediate arrest, on-the-spot arrest
容疑を認める 【ようぎをみとめる】 admit to the charges; WI1 [Partial Match!]
大麻を吸う 【たいまをすう】 take a hit (literally, to smoke marijuana)
ことがある in this case, to have the experience of doing something
供述して 【きょうじゅつして】 affidavit, testimony
同 【どう】 (pref) the same, ibid
府警 【ふけい】 prefectural police
入手 【にゅうしゅ】 obtaining
先 【さき】 prior; the other party
追及して 【ついきゅうして】 investigation (of someone’s guilt), questioning
捜査 【そうさ】 search, investigation
関係者 【かんけいしゃ】 authorized people, person(s) concerned
によると according to
深夜 【しんや】 late at night, in the wee hours
京都市下京区 【きょうとししもぎょうく】 Kyoto City, Shimogyo Ward
路上で 【ろじょう】 on the road, in the street
パトロール patrol
~中 【ちゅう、じゅう】 in the middle of, while
警察官 【けいさつかん】 police officer
職務質問 【しょくむしつもん】 police questioning
上着のポケット 【うわぎのポケット】 breast pocket, jacket pocket
少量 【しょうりょう】 small quantity
大麻 【たいま】 hemp, cannabis, mary-jane, etc.
発見 【はっけん】 discovery, finding

Little shits.

Bad behavior on trains really is tremendously annoying. They’ve put up posters at the station nearest my work and, though I don’t expect them to change anything, it is justifying to hear that other people are annoyed just the same.

From checking online, apparently after those listed on our poster came offenses related to cigarettes and eating and drinking.

Take note, all ye students and shits

Take note, all ye students and shits

第1位 座席の座り方 24.8%

第2位 携帯電話の使用 19.9%

第3位 乗降時のマナーについて 8.6%

第4位 所構わず電車の床に座る 8.1%

第5位 電車内で騒ぐ 7.0%

第6位 ヘッドホンステレオの音漏れ 6.1%

第7位 女性の化粧 5.1%

第#位 【だい#い】 number (ordinal – i.e., number one, number two, etc)
座席 【ざせき】 seat
座り方 【すわりかた】 way of sitting
足 【あし】 feet, legs
広げる 【ひろげる】 to spread, to extend
座る 【すわる】 to sit, to squat
優先席 【ゆうせんせき】 priority seating (i.e., the seats for the elderly, pregnant, injured, and handicapped)
若い 【わかい】 young
健常者 【けんじょうしゃ】 healthy person, non-handicapped person
平然と 【へいぜんと】 calm, composed, cool
混雑 【こんざつ】 congestion, confusion
詰める 【つめる】 to pack, to fill
携帯電話 【けいたいでんわ】 cell-phone
使用 【しよう】 use
電車 【でんしゃ】 (electric) train
内 【ない】 inside, within
大きな声 【おおきなこえ】 loud voice
話す 【はなす】 to speak
着信音 【ちゃくしんおん】 ringtone
耳障り 【みみざわり】 aural annoyance, hurting one’s ears
乗降 【じょうこう】 getting on and off (a train)
マナー manners
について concerning, about
きちんと precisely, accurately
並ぶ 【ならぶ】 to line up, to queue
横から 【よこから】 from the side
割り込む 【わりこむ】 to cut in, to thrust oneself into
降る 【おりる】 to get off (a train)
待つ 【まつ】 to wait (~ず archaic negative form)
乗る 【のる】 to get on, to board
危ない 【あぶない】 dangerous, risky, hazardous
所構わず 【ところかまわず】 irrespectively, indiscriminately
床に座る 【ゆかにすわる】 sit on the floor
ドア door
付近に 【ふきんに】 in the neighborhood of, in the vicinity
妨げになる 【さまたげになる】 (vi) to hinder; get (stand) in the way of; get (stand) in the way; pose an impediment; WI1
円座 【えんざ】 sitting in circle; round straw mat
邪魔 【じゃま】 hindrance, obstacle
騒ぐ 【さわぐ】 to make noise, to kick up a fuss
グループ group
大声 【おおごえ】 a loud voice
非常に 【ひじょうに】 a great deal, extremely
迷惑 【めいわく】 troublesome, bother
子供 【こども】 children
親 【おや】 parents
注意 【ちゅうい】 warning, scolding
ヘッドホン headphone
ステレオ stereo
音 【おと】 sound
漏る 【もる】 to leak
間近で 【まぢかで】 from up close
聞く 【きく】 to listen to, to hear
とても very, awfully
シャカシャカ scratchy noise (like the sound that tracksuits make, and thus also the name of tracksuits now)
うるさい noisy, loud, annoying
女性 【じょせい】 female, women
化粧 【けしょう】 make-up, cosmetics
髪の毛 【かみのけ】 hair
不快 【ふかい】 unpleasant, discomfort
公私 【こうし】 public and private
考える 【かんがえる】 to consider, to think
行為 【こうい】 deed, conduct
自体 【じたい】 itself
みっともない shameful, indecent
同性 【どうせい】 (n,adj-no) same sex; homosexuality; homogeneity; congeniality; (P); EP
不愉快 【ふゆかい】 (adj-na,n) discomfort; unpleasantness; disagreeableness; unhappiness; (P); EP

Number 1: The way people sit, 24.8%
・People sitting with their legs widely spread
・Young people and the unhandicapped sitting in the priority seats
・People not sitting closely during crowded times

Number 2: Use of cellular phones, 19.9%
・Talking in a loud voice while on the train
・The ringtones of cellular phones being annoying

Number 3: Manners while getting on or off of the train, 8.6%
・People who cut in from the side even though others line up properly
・People who jump on the train without waiting for those trying to get off, creating a dangerous situation

Number 4: Sitting inconsiderately on the floor of the train, 8.1%
・People who sit around the door and get in the way of those get on and off of the train
・People who sit in a circles of 5 or 6 and create an obstacle

Number 5: Being noisy while on the train, 7.0%
・People who create a great fuss and are extremely bothersome
・When parents don’t control their noisy children

Number 6: Noise overheard from music players and headphones, 6.1%
・When you can hear nearby people’s musics during crowded times and it’s an aural annoyance
・The annoying overheard and scratchy noises from others’ music players

Number 7: Women putting on make-up, 5.1%
・The discomfort of the smells and hairs that are scattered about as women make themselves up
・The actions itself, which doesn’t consider the distinction between private and public acts, are unsightly
・Unpleasant even when viewed from the same sex

Sorry, being lazy, still more deadlines, so hardly a natural-reading translation. Yargh. More tomorrow.

Argh, deadlines.

Alas, radio silence for a couple of days here. I’m sorry for it and I’ll try not to let if happen again (or for so long) but it is unfortunately within the nature of the work. Deadlines hit hard sometimes. So here’s a little taster of what I’ve been up to. Just multiply it by about 110 pages and have it done in a week, mmkay? -_-;;

   ビーグル犬(一群雌雄各4匹)を用いたカプセル経口(原体:0、5、30、150及び500 mg/kg体重/日)投与による90日間亜急性毒性試験が実施された。
   500 mg/kg体重/日投与群雄1例が摂餌量の低下、体重減少及び自発運動低下が見られたため切迫と殺された。それ以外に死亡例はなかった。この個体では病理組織学的検査で肝細胞空胞化、小腸粘膜びらん等の所見が認められた。
500 mg/kg体重/日投与群雌雄では摂餌量減少が著しく、給餌時間を延長した。また同群雄では更に強制給餌及び検体投与の一時的中止(3例)を行った。
   本試験において、30 mg/kg体重/日以上投与群雄でTG増加が、150 mg/kg体重/日以上投与群雌で体重増加抑制等が認められたので、無毒性量は雄で5 mg/kg体重/日、雌で30 mg/kg体重/日であると考えられた。(参照2)

ビーグル beagle
群 【ぐん】 group, flock, herd
雌 【めす】 female (animal)
雄 【おす】 male (animal)
各 【おのおの; かく】 each, every
匹 【ひき】 counter for small animals
用いる 【もちいる】 to use
カプセル capsule (German: Kapsel)
経口 【けいこう】 oral
原体 【げんたい】 drug substance, technical product, active constituent
及び 【および】 and, as well as
体重 【たいじゅう】 one’s body weight
投与 【とうよ】 administering (medicine)
による by means of, according to
亜急性 【あきゅうせい】 subacute
毒性 【どくせい】 toxic, toxicity
試験 【しけん】 test, study
実施する 【じっしする】 to run, to put into operation
投与群 【とうよぐん】 treatment group
認める 【みとめる】 to recognize; to observe; to admit
所見 【しょけん】 view, opinion
表 【ひょう】 table, chart, list
示す 【しめす】 to denote, to show, to indicate
例 【れい】 instance, example
摂餌 【せつえ】 to eat feed or bait
量 【りょう】 quantity, amount, volume
低下 【ていか】 fall, decline
体重減少 【たいじゅうげんしょう】 loss of weight
自発運動 【じはつうんどう】 active movement
ため because, as a result of
切迫と殺 【せっぱくとさつ】 euthanasia
以外 【いがい】 with the exception of, other than
死亡例 【しぼうれい】 incident of death, fatal case
個体 【こたい】 (n,adj-no) an individual; (P); EP
病理組織学的検査 【びょうりそしきがくてきけんさ】 histopathological examination
肝細胞 【かんさいぼう】 hepatocyte (liver cell)
空胞 【くうほう】 vacuole
~化 【か】 -ize
小腸粘膜 【しょうちょうねんまく】 small intestine mucous membrane (tunica mucosa intestini tenuis)
等 【など】 et cetera
著しい 【いちじるしい】 remarkable, considerable
給餌時間 【きゅうじじかん】 feeding time
延長した 【えんちょうした】 extension, prolongation
同 【どう】 the same
更に 【さらに】 furthermore, more and more
強制給餌 【きょうせいきゅうじ】 forced feeding, gavage administration
検体 【けんたい】 specimen, sample
一時的 【いちじてき】 temporary
中止 【ちゅうし】 suspension, discontinuance
行う 【おこなう】 to perform, to carry out
本~ 【ほん~】 this
において in, on
以上 【いじょう】 and more, and above, more than (*note that these 以 words [以上、以下、etc] include the number they refer to. I.E., 5以上 does not necessarily just mean “over five,” but “five and over”)
増加 【ぞうか】 increase, addition
抑制 【よくせい】 control, restraint, suppression
無毒性量 【?】 no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL)
である to be (the schmancy version of です)
考える 【かんがえる】 to consider, to think about
参照 【さんしょう】 reference

   A 90 day study of subacute toxicity was carried out using Beagle dogs (each treatment group having 4 males and 4 females) which were orally administered the chemical in the form of capsules (active constituent: 0, 5, 30, 150, or 500 mg/kg/day).
   The indications of toxicity observed in each treatment group are indicated in Table 11.
   There was one instance of euthanization among the males of the 500 mg/kg/day treatment group, due to the decreased appetite, weight loss, and decline in activity observed in the individual. There were no other instances of death. Within histopathological examination of the individual, hepatocyte vacuolation, erosion of the small intestine mucous membrane, and other indications of toxicity were observed.
   Within the males and females of the 500 mg/kg/day treatment group there was a considerable decrease in appetite and feeding time was prolonged. Furthermore, in the same treatment group, there was temporary suspension of gavage administration and administration of the chemical (3 instances).
   In this study, as the males in the treatment groups receiving 30 mg/kg or more had increased TG and the females in the treatment groups receiving 150 mg/kg or more were observed to have suppressed weight gain and other symptoms, the NOAEL for males was considered to be 5 mg/kg and for females 30 mg/kg/day. (See reference 2)

Bernanke’s playing (with) the market

Hmm, yet another bit of econ. Perhaps I need to get my mind off of money, but it does tend to take over one’s life, doesn’t it? I’ll try something a bit more fluffy again tomorrow, if I can. Oh, exchange rates–how you play with my heart. And my money.

Either way, a useful way to introduce the phrase 円高, which has been quite the catchword in the past year or so in Japan and probably doesn’t show up in many classrooms or textbooks. Also the obsolete but fun to remember 銭.



Retrieved from Yahoo! News on 25 February

続落【ぞくらく】continued fall (in stock, prices)
一時【いちじ】one hour; for a time; temporarily
台【だい】stand; support;
~カ月【かげつ】months (counter)
ぶり for the first time ~
安値【やすね】low price
市場【しじょう】the market (as a concept)
東京外国為替市場【とうきょうがいこくかわせしじょう】Tokyo Foreign Exchange Market
円相場【えんそうば】yen exchange rate
景気の先行き【けいきのさきゆき】economic prospect, future of the economy
政局【せいきょく】political situation
混迷【こんめい】turmoil, confusion
懸念【けねん】worry, concern
背景に【はいけいに】against a backdrop of, in an environment marked by
昨年【さくねん】last year
下旬【げじゅん】last-third of a month (compare to 上旬【じょうじゅん】and 中旬【ちゅうじゅん】)
水準 【すいじゅん】 level, standard
ドル dollar
付ける【つける】to attach
正午【しょうご】noon, mid-day
現在【げんざい】now, current, present, as of
銭【せん】hundredth of a yen
前日【ぜんじつ】previous day
比【ひ】ratio, proportion
円安ドル高 【えんやすドルだか】depreciation of the yen against the (American) dollar
バーナンキ (Ben) Bernanke
米連邦【べいれんぽう】US federal (agency, etc.)
準備【じゅんび】preparation, arrangements, reserve
制度【せいど】system, organization
理事会【りじかい】board of directors or trustees
議長【ぎちょう】chairman, speaker, president
金融市場【きんゆうしじょう】money market, financial market
年内に【ねんないに】within the year, before the year is out
議会【ぎかい】 Diet, congress, parliament
証言【しょうげん】evidence, testimony
円売り【えんうり】yen selling
ドル買い【ドルかい】dollar purchase
進む【すすむ】to advance, to go forward ahead, to make progress
海外市場【かいがいしじょう】foreign market
流れ【ながれ】current, flow
引き継ぐ【ひきつぐ】to take over, to hand over
対【たい】versus, against
ユーロ euro (the currency)
急落【きゅうらく】sharp fall, sudden drop
取引される【とりひきされる】be quoted at
同【どう】the same, the said
円安【えんやす】cheap yen
ユーロ高【ユーロだか】strong Euro

直訳 (literal translation)
Tokyo market: yen continues to fall, temporarily reaching 97 yen, the lowest price in 3 months
   The yen exchange rate at the Tokyo Foreign Exchange Market on the 25th continued to drop, amid the background of worries about the future of the economy and political turmoil, at one point reaching a 3 month low since the end of November of last year of the low level of 1 dollar to 97 yen. As of noon today, at 97 yen and 6 to 8 sen, the yen is cheap and the dollar is stronger by 1 yen and 71 sen.
   Chairman Bernanke of the US Federal Reserve Board (FRB) has testified in congress that if the money market stabilizes the recession will be over within the year and sales of the yen and buying of the dollar advanced yesterday, pulling the foreign markets into their current.
   The yen has taken a sharp drop against the euro and has been quoted at its lowest level since the beginning of January: 124 yen to the euro. As of noon today, at 124 yen and 88 to 94 sen, the yen is still cheap and the euro strong by 3 yen and 32 sen.

意訳 (slightly more liberal translation)
Tokyo market: Yen continues to fall, reaching 3 month low of 97 yen to the dollar
   The yen exchange rate at the Tokyo Foreign Exchange Market today continued to drop, amid worries about the future of the economy and political turmoil, at one point reaching 97 yen to the dollar, the lowest exchange since the end of last November. As of noon today, it remains at 97 yen and 6-8 sen to the dollar, leaving the yen cheap and the dollar stronger by 1 yen and 71 sen.
   The chairman of the US Federal Reserve Board, Ben Bernanke, has testified in congress that if the money market stabilizes the recession will be over within the year, and yen sales and dollar buys picked up yesterday, pulling the foreign markets with them.
   The yen has taken a sharp drop against the euro and has been quoted at its lowest level since the beginning of January: 124 yen to the euro. As of noon today, at 124 yen and 88-94 sen to the euro, the yen is still cheap and the euro stronger by 3 yen and 32 sen.

Oh, almost forgot.

I threw this together at work, only to forget about it until the end of the night. Silly me. Anyhow, today was back to the usual newspaper filler.



Retrieved from Yomiuri online on 24 February

グリーン・ニューディール Green New Deal
全面協力 【ぜんめんきょうりょく】 full partnership, full support
次世代 【じせだい】 next generation
車 【くるま】 car, automobile
ワシントン Washington D.C.
開く 【ひらく】 to open (passive)
日米 【にちべい】 Japan-America
首脳会談 【しゅのうかいだん】summit meeting, top-level meeting
環境 【かんきょう】 environment
分野 【ぶんや】field
重点 【じゅうてん】 important point, emphasis
投資する 【とうしする】 to invest
オバマ Barack Obama
政権 【せいけん】administration; political power
政策 【せいさく】policy
日本政府 【にほんせいふ】 Japanese government
提案 【ていあん】 proposal, suggestion
合意する 【ごういする】 agreement, consent
明らか 【あきらか】 obvious, evident, clear
麻生 【あそう】 Tarou Asou
首相 【しゅしょう】 Prime Minister
普及 【ふきゅう】 to spread or popularize
低炭素 【ていたんそ】 low carbon
技術 【ぎじゅつ】 art, craft, technique, skill
エネルギー energy (ger: energie)
環境技術 【かんきょうぎじゅつ】 environmental engineering
協力 【きょうりょく】 cooperation, collaboration
世界 【せかい】 the world
リードする to lead
確認する 【かくにんする】 to confirm or affirm
世界経済 【せかいけいざい】 world (international) economy
環境問題 【かんきょうもんだい】 environmental problem
地球規模 【ちきゅうきぼ】 global scale
課題 【かだい】 issue, theme, task
連携する 【れんけいする】 to cooperation or coordinate
対処する 【たいしょする】 to deal with
新たな 【あらたな】 new, fresh, novel
対話 【たいわ】 dialogue
枠組み 【わくぐみ】 frame; framework
発足 【ほっそく】 launch, establishment
検討する 【けんとうする】 to consider or examine
電気自動車 【でんきじどうしゃ】 electric car
家庭用 【かていよう】 for home (vs business) use
電源 【でんげん】 source of electricity, electrical power
充電する 【じゅうでんする】 to charge (a battery)
プラグイン plug-in
ハイブリッド車 【ハイブリッドしゃ】 hybrid vehicle
策 【さく】 plan, policy
二酸化炭素 【にさんかたんそ】 carbon dioxide
排出量 【はいしゅつりょう】output
大幅に削減する 【おおはばにさくげんする】 to slash or drastically cut
革新的な 【かくしんてきな】 innovative
省エネルギー 【しょうエネルギー】 energy conservation, economical use of energy
新エネルギー 【しんエネルギー】 new energy
市場拡大 【しじょうかくだい】 market expansion
原子力 【げんしりょく】 atomic, nuclear
平和利用する 【へいわりようする】 be put to peaceful uses
柱となる 【はしらとなる】 to be(come) a pillar
具体的に 【ぐたいてきに】 concrete, specific
普及を促す 【ふきゅうをうながす】 to facilitate the spread of
高速 【こうそく】 high speed
用 【よう】 (for the) use of, for
プラグ plug
規格 【きかく】 standard; norm
安全性 【あんぜんせい】 safety; security
標準化 【ひょうじゅんか】 standardization
インフラ整備 【インフラせいび】 infrastructure improvement
共同 【きょうどう】cooperation, collaboration
実証 【じっしょう】 actual proof
事業を行う 【じぎょうをおこなう】 perform a service
工場 【こうじょう】 factory, plant
排出する to discharge or emit
地中に埋める 【ちちゅうにうめる】 bury sth in the earth
固定化 【こていか】 immobilization, fixation
燃料電池 【ねんりょうでんち】 fuel cell
高性能 【こうせいのう】 high efficiency or high powered
太陽電池 【たいようでんち】 solar battery
研究開発 【けんきゅうかいはつ】 R and D (research and development)
研究機関 【けんきゅうきかん】 research institution
取り組む 【とりくむ】 to tackle, to deal with
モデル事業 【モデルじぎょう】 model works
通じて 【つうじて】 through, via
世界展開 【せかいてんかい】 global launch
目指す 【めざす】 to aim for
発電 【はつでん】 generation (of power or electricity)
導入 【どうにゅう】 introduction, installation
進む 【すすむ】 to advance, to make progress
新興国 【しんこうこく】 emerging nation
核拡散 【かくかくさん】 nuclear proliferation
防ぐ 【ふせぐ】 to defend (against), to prevent
狙い 【ねらい】 aim, target

直訳 (literal translation)
Japan to give full support to Green New Deal: next-gen cars, etc
    It became clear on the 23rd that the Japanese government has proposed and will agree to give full support to the Obama administration’s “Green New Deal” plan, which will put an emphasis on investment in the environmental field, at the Japan-America top-level talks opened in Washington on the 24th.
   What PM Aso is proposing is a “Japan-America energy and environmental technology collaboration,” which would have four fields including the popularization of next-generation vehicles and low-carbon technologies, and it would affirm that Japan and America go on leading the world in these fields. In order for the countries to work together and deal with global scale issues like the world economy and the environmental problem, establishing a new framework to be set up for “Japan-America dialogue” is being considered.
   Japan-America cooperation in the field of energy and the environment will have four pillars: (1) plans to popularize next-generation vehicles such as plug-in hybrid vehicles that can be charged using household electricity and electric cars, (2) innovative low-carbon technologies that will allow the drastic reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, (3) expansion of the market for energy-efficient and new-energy products, and (4) the peaceful use of nuclear power.
   Specifically, in order to popularize next-generation vehicles, in addition to considering standardization for Japan and America on safety and standard plugs for high-speed charging, they will carry out actual cooperative works for improvement of the infrastructure.
   For innovative low-carbon technologies, Japan and America’s research institutes will collaboratively undertake research and development into fixed technologies such as burying the CO2 emissions from factories in the ground and fuel cells and high-powered solar batteries. Energy-efficient technologies will aim for global development through model practices. The peaceful use of nuclear energy has the aim of having a Japan-America joint prevention of nuclear proliferation in emerging countries that are moving forward with the introduction of nuclear power generation.

意訳 (slightly more liberal translation)
Japan to support Green New Deal with next-gen cars and more
    It was revealed yesterday that the Japanese government will give full support to the Obama administration’s “Green New Deal” plan, which will put an emphasis on investment in the environmental field, at the Japan-America top-level talks beginning in Washington today.
   PM Aso is proposing a collaboration between Japan and America on energy and environmental technology which would focus on four fields, including the popularization of next-generation vehicles and low-carbon technologies. The plan would ensure that Japan and America go on leading the world in these fields. A new framework for dialogue between the two countries is being considered, in order to ensure that the countries work together and deal with global issues like the world economy and the environmental problem.
   Japan-America cooperation in regards to energy and the environment will have four pillars: (1) plans to popularize next-generation vehicles such as plug-in hybrid vehicles that can be charged using household electricity and electric cars, (2) innovative low-carbon technologies that will allow drastic reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, (3) expansion of the market for energy-efficient and new-energy products, and (4) the peaceful use of nuclear power.
   Specifically, in order to popularize next-generation vehicles, the countries will carry out actual cooperative works to improve their infrastructure, as well as consider joint standardization for safety and plugs for high-speed charging.
   Japan and America’s research institutes will collaboratively undertake research and development into fixed technologies such as burying CO2 emissions from factories in the ground, fuel cells, and high-powered solar batteries, in order to promote innovative low-carbon technologies. Energy-efficient technologies will aim for global development through model practices. The peaceful use of nuclear energy will serve the purpose of preventing nuclear proliferation in emerging countries that are even now moving forward with the introduction of nuclear power generation.